**AIR and ORE** **FEATHERS and METAL**

The combined creativity and craftsmanship of Narayani and Shira Loa

Please click the "older posts" link at the bottom of the page to see MORE designs!

*and more designs to come... stay posted*

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

just wait...

Until you see the new styles, colors, metal options and necklaces that we have in store! New pictures to come, and new styles that will make you catch your breath. Please subscribe to our blog to stay in the know about what Kiyumi has in store. Also, we will soon be available in at a very special store in the Mission district of San Francisco... TBA...

photos- derek ion
clothing- goddess alchemy project

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hunkering down and looking ahead in 2009

Happy New Year to all of our friends and family... it's been a bit quiet on the Kiyumi front recently, but not for lack of activity. We are gearing up for a VERY powerful year, full of pretty pieces, gorgeous photo shoots, and travel around the globe. Soon enough you might just be flipping through your favorite magazine and find us there... :)

We have much in the works for sales and shows, and as soon as we have a more solidified calendar, we will post all dates up here. We will also have a Gallery-style website soon, so stay posted.

Thanks for all the support, and keep checking in and checking OUT at our Etsy.com store!