**AIR and ORE** **FEATHERS and METAL**

The combined creativity and craftsmanship of Narayani and Shira Loa

Please click the "older posts" link at the bottom of the page to see MORE designs!

*and more designs to come... stay posted*

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hunkering down and looking ahead in 2009

Happy New Year to all of our friends and family... it's been a bit quiet on the Kiyumi front recently, but not for lack of activity. We are gearing up for a VERY powerful year, full of pretty pieces, gorgeous photo shoots, and travel around the globe. Soon enough you might just be flipping through your favorite magazine and find us there... :)

We have much in the works for sales and shows, and as soon as we have a more solidified calendar, we will post all dates up here. We will also have a Gallery-style website soon, so stay posted.

Thanks for all the support, and keep checking in and checking OUT at our Etsy.com store!

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