**AIR and ORE** **FEATHERS and METAL**

The combined creativity and craftsmanship of Narayani and Shira Loa

Please click the "older posts" link at the bottom of the page to see MORE designs!

*and more designs to come... stay posted*

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Holiday Sales

Dec 6th & 7th:
Teaming up with the awesome ladies of The Goddess Alchemy Project you can find us at the 14th Annual Goddess Crafts Faire. Saturday Dec. 6th and Sunday Dec. 7th 11am - 7pm at The Sebastopol Community Center 390 Morris St. An Exquisite collection of hand-made gifts along with Delicious Food and Fabulous Entertainment will be offered.

Dec 13th day:
Kiyumi Jewelry will be on sale at Feria Urbana on the 13th in Oakland.
Saturday December 13th, 10-3 P.M.

Pizzaiolo - 5008 Telegraph Ave
Oakland, CA 94609 
(510) 652-4888

Dec 13th night:
Hosted by Juxtapose Magazine: Veni Vidi Vici is a hot party with a sexy fashion show by the Goddess Alchemy Project where you will see our treasures paired up with the Alchemy fashions and Talisman Gear on the runway. December 13th at Club 6 in San Francisco.

Dec 14th:
Then Sunday the 14th is a super special trunk sale- Kiyumi Jewelry, Panties, Beats and Bubbly! This is a private event, so if you would like details, please contact us. kiyumijewelry (at) gmail (dot) com.

Hope to see you at one of these shows.

excitement brewing....

from Shira:

I am eagerly awaiting Narayni's arrival tomorrow (better clean the studio up so we have space to collaborate!!) to Oakland. I have been banging away on the metal, and am so looking forward to when she gets here and we put two and two together. I have come up with several new designs since we came up with our first samples. she'll be here late, so it may be a late night getting things together for the show on Sunday... but i'm so looking forward to it. Really excited to share our new baby with the world!

Friday, November 28, 2008


Kiyumi Jewelry will have it's Debut sale THIS weekend in San Francisco!
Details below... it's a stellar lineup- hope to see you there!

Holidaze -presented by S&G and Tamo Designs
A holiday event full of clothes, accessories, nifty little things, and
cuteness beyond compare.
Good music, sexy people, good vibes.
Music by Aaron Jae (Evil Breaks), Ana Sia (3WS, SF) and more
Tamo Designs - tamodesign.com
S&G Clothing - sandgclothing.com
Kiyumi Jewelry- www.kiyumijewelry.blogspot.com
Hipsterr Belts - hipstirrbelts.com
Arara - ararasf.com
Raven Creations - myspace.com/ravencreations
Caraucci - caraucci.com
RocknSocks - rocknsocks.net
Ayya Wear - ayyawear.com
Silver Lucy Design - silverlucydesign.com
Miranda Caroligne - mirandacaroligne.com
Domini - clothingarchitect.com
Minerva's Attennae
MoDA Sandrita
Supersugarrayray - www.supersugarrayray.etsy.com
Medium Reality - mediumreality.com
Fati Beloved - myspace.com/fati_ma
Swirlspace - swirlspace.com
Lucid Dawn - lucidawn.com
Tooth Gems by Foxy
Phoenix Rising

Sunday, Nov 30th @ Mighty (119 Utah, SF)
2-8 pm