**AIR and ORE** **FEATHERS and METAL**

The combined creativity and craftsmanship of Narayani and Shira Loa

Please click the "older posts" link at the bottom of the page to see MORE designs!

*and more designs to come... stay posted*

Friday, November 28, 2008


Kiyumi Jewelry will have it's Debut sale THIS weekend in San Francisco!
Details below... it's a stellar lineup- hope to see you there!

Holidaze -presented by S&G and Tamo Designs
A holiday event full of clothes, accessories, nifty little things, and
cuteness beyond compare.
Good music, sexy people, good vibes.
Music by Aaron Jae (Evil Breaks), Ana Sia (3WS, SF) and more
Tamo Designs - tamodesign.com
S&G Clothing - sandgclothing.com
Kiyumi Jewelry- www.kiyumijewelry.blogspot.com
Hipsterr Belts - hipstirrbelts.com
Arara - ararasf.com
Raven Creations - myspace.com/ravencreations
Caraucci - caraucci.com
RocknSocks - rocknsocks.net
Ayya Wear - ayyawear.com
Silver Lucy Design - silverlucydesign.com
Miranda Caroligne - mirandacaroligne.com
Domini - clothingarchitect.com
Minerva's Attennae
MoDA Sandrita
Supersugarrayray - www.supersugarrayray.etsy.com
Medium Reality - mediumreality.com
Fati Beloved - myspace.com/fati_ma
Swirlspace - swirlspace.com
Lucid Dawn - lucidawn.com
Tooth Gems by Foxy
Phoenix Rising

Sunday, Nov 30th @ Mighty (119 Utah, SF)
2-8 pm

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