**AIR and ORE** **FEATHERS and METAL**

The combined creativity and craftsmanship of Narayani and Shira Loa

Please click the "older posts" link at the bottom of the page to see MORE designs!

*and more designs to come... stay posted*

Saturday, November 29, 2008

excitement brewing....

from Shira:

I am eagerly awaiting Narayni's arrival tomorrow (better clean the studio up so we have space to collaborate!!) to Oakland. I have been banging away on the metal, and am so looking forward to when she gets here and we put two and two together. I have come up with several new designs since we came up with our first samples. she'll be here late, so it may be a late night getting things together for the show on Sunday... but i'm so looking forward to it. Really excited to share our new baby with the world!

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